What Is Versioning In .net?VB.Net interview questions for freshers/VB.Net Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What Is Versioning In .net?

main advantage of .net is versioning and solve very critical problem.
.net maintain one application with more then one version and also solve DLL HELL problem because it can run same application with different version at a same time[.Net have an Assembly. It gives the Portable Execution file.The main use of assembly is to maintain the Dll and exe's.
So sometimes the programmer confused to which is modified code.That time the assembly provide the Version.That is called versioning. It is start from 1.0.*,.......]

Posted Date:- 2021-09-21 04:54:01

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What Is Versioning In .net?

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What is the Vb.Net framework?

What is Metadata?

What do you know about VB.Net? Briefly explain.

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